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We're always asked...

What exactly am I paying for and getting?


You are purchasing atoms, which are digital retainers for your project, workforce, objectives, and key results.


The atoms you purchase digitally store tasks, team contribution, assets, and ultimately - results. How your atoms are specifically allocated and designated is project specific is co-managed by you and your dedicated director.


Atoms allow you to track and measure your overall key performance indicators (KPIs) for each project and store a digital record of all assets and activity.

How do you manage your project & teams?


90% of management occurs through our purpose built platform. The remaining 10% is always a variable depending on the circumstances of the ecosystem and operation.

How much control do I have over project direction?


You have complete control over the allocation of materials as you see fit. Your director will help you make decisions that align directly with your goals short and long term. The director handles the actual hands on direction of projects and specialists.

Do you offer a guarantee?


You can discontinue service at any time for any reason. 


Unused atoms can be refunded at raw value of each atom at the time of purchase ($2,700). Processing fees, platform fees, and 'Used' atoms cannot be refunded once purchase is complete. 


If our work results are not to reasonable satisfaction, please email to begin the process. 

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